
Gravida, like all of the CoREs, has a focus on knowledge transfer. This takes the form of research training, promotion of and advocacy for research findings among policy makers and in the relevant health and agricultural professions, and the promotion of science to the community, particularly to secondary school students.

Promotion of science to school students

Gravida is a key contributor to the award-winning LENScience outreach initiative. The programme constitutes an important channel through which the Centre aims to build scientific literacy and community-based health awareness. LENScience provides hands-on and web/satellite-TV-based learning experiences incorporating current Gravida research such as the effect of diet and lifestyle on life-long health. More than 200 schools across have participated in the programmes reaching over 40,000 students. Other training opportunities of both younger and older students are currently being explored, as is outreach to the broader community, including ethnic groups.

Helen Mora, Teaching and Learning Programme Manager at LENScience, instructs a class of secondary school children

LENScience helen in classroom with students