Project Staff

In addition to the Principal Investigators, Associate Investigators and students working on Gravida projects, we also support, or are associated with, a number of research assistants and other affiliated staff.

Below is a list of some of those associated with Gravida projects.

  • Dr Otto Hyink

    University of Otago, Dunedin

    Otto is based in Associate Professor Peter Dearden's Biochemistry lab in Dunedin and works closely with Peter on his bee research.

  • Dr Louise Paton

    University of Otago, Christchurch

    Lou is based at the the Free Radicals Research Group in Christchurch, part of the University of Otago, and works on a programme led by Associate Professor Mark Hampton.

  • Dr Losia (Malgorzata) Nakagawa-Lagisz

    University of Otago, Dunedin

    Losia is based at the  within the Department of Zoology. Losia is currently collborating with a number of Gravida members on the major project (Long-term consequences of a stressed uterine environment) lead by Hugh Blair.

  • Kalyani Perera

    Massey University, Palmerston North

    Kalyani is a Gravida-funded technician based in the Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences (IVABS) at Massey University, working a research programme lead by Hugh Blair.

  • Sujata Prakash

    Liggins Institute, Auckland

    Sujata is a research assistant, working in the classroom in conjunction with several teachers associated with the LENScience Face-to-Face programme led by Jacquie Bay.