In addition to the Principal Investigators, Associate Investigators and students working on Gravida projects, we also support, or are associated with, a number of research assistants and other affiliated staff.
Below is a list of some of those associated with Gravida projects.
University of Otago, Dunedin
Otto is based in Associate Professor Peter Dearden's Biochemistry lab in Dunedin and works closely with Peter on his bee research.
University of Otago, Christchurch
Lou is based at the the Free Radicals Research Group in Christchurch, part of the University of Otago, and works on a programme led by Associate Professor Mark Hampton.
University of Otago, Dunedin
Losia is based at the within the Department of Zoology. Losia is currently collborating with a number of Gravida members on the major project (Long-term consequences of a stressed uterine environment) lead by Hugh Blair.
Massey University, Palmerston North
Kalyani is a Gravida-funded technician based in the Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences (IVABS) at Massey University, working a research programme lead by Hugh Blair.
Liggins Institute, Auckland
Sujata is a research assistant, working in the classroom in conjunction with several teachers associated with the LENScience Face-to-Face programme led by Jacquie Bay.
Ensures the direction and performance of Gravida in the context of the Annual Plan ...
Manages the operational and strategic aspects of Gravida ...
Provides independent advice on the relevance and impact of the Centre's research ...
Gravida has an ‘International College’ of global experts who provide leadership to ...
Funded or associated with Gravida through a number of major and pilot projects ...
Funded or associated with Gravida through a number of major and pilot projects ...
Funded or associated with Gravida through a number of major and pilot projects ...