
Lord Robert Winston Visiting in March

March 2014

Gravida: National Centre for Growth and Development is pleased to announce that Lord Robert Winston will be visiting from March 9 to 13 for a series of events.

Lord Winston is patron of Gravida and a Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College, London. Lord Winston is a noted science commentator and advocate, presenting shows such as ‘Child of our Time’ and ‘The Human Body’.

A highlight of the visit will be two interactive broadcasts Lord Winston will hold for Year 7-10 and Year 12-13 students throughout and the Pacific on the 13th March 2014. The focus of the Year 7-10 broadcast is “Puberty: Let’s Talk About it with the Experts”, and the Year 12-13 broadcast: “Reproductive Technologies: An Issue for our time”.

The will take place on Thursday March 13th 2014 in and Wednesday March 12th 2014 in the Cook Islands. It will be broadcast live with a selected student panel and student audience from the Fale Pasifika, . Students throughout and the Pacific will be able to participate in the broadcast through LiveChat and an on-line discussion forum.

The Best Student Bloggers from the Pacific will make up the selected panel, and have been identified from the winner of Blog BLAST entries

times for the two broadcasts on March 13th 2014: “The “Puberty: Let’s Talk About it with the Experts” will take place from 10.30-11.30am and the “Reproductive Technologies: An Issue for our time” occurs from 1.30-2.30pm.

For more information, please visit the website:

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